Printed in the Clare Champion – 21st April 2010

Printed in the Clare Champion – 21st April 2010
Speech by Brian Cowen, September 2009
Tá áthas orm a bheith anseo inniu chun Clare Spring Water Limited a oscailt go hoifigiúil agus chun an Branda Folláine de Tháirgí Clare Spring Water a sheoladh. Ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a dhéanamh le Paul agus Tom Connellan as saoráid den scoth a thógáil anseo agus as a bpleananna uaillmhianacha dá ngnó.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to be here today to officially open Clare Spring Water Limited and to launch the Wellness Brand of Clare Spring Water products. I would like to congratulate Paul and Tom Connellan on the state-of-the-art facility they have built here and on their ambitious plans for their business. I know that you currently employ 10 people – and have great plans to create further jobs in areas such as biodegradable bottle manufacturing and recycling, as well as in sales, marketing and engineering.
I have no doubt that given the success of the enterprise to date that you will achieve and maybe even surpass expectations. Clare Spring Water is exactly the type of indigenous company we want to support and encourage as we build our Smart Economy – combining innovation and environmental sustainability.
Consumers are increasingly looking for healthy and traceable products. This is a market which is expanding considerably and Clare Spring Water has, if you’ll excuse the pun, “tapped into” the development potential which exists!
Consumers are also looking for products which are produced in an environmentally friendly manner and with a low carbon footprint. The Wellness Brand will introduce Ireland’s first ever biodegradable and compostable plastic bottle which, I am told, is the future of the bottled water industry as it works towards a goal of zero waste. This is a particularly welcome initiative, as not only does it respond to market demands, but it also responds to the need to move towards a low carbon economy.
As I mentioned at the UN General Assembly on Climate Change in New York last week, the time for rhetoric on Climate Change is over. We must take action, and Paul and Tom are to be commended for doing so from the ground up.
Their approach is an important local step to tackle the problem of climate change while also creating investment and jobs in clean industry. This is just one example of the huge potential in the development of green enterprise. Following on from our commitment in the Smart Economy Framework last year, the Government established a high level Action Group on the Green Economy earlier this year. This Group will report shortly and I hope it will identify ways to re-position Ireland at the forefront of the new global green economy.
The development of this factory was made possible thanks mainly Clare Spring Water’s own innovation and resources, and who to be commended for their initiative, drive and commitment to the venture. I know that Enterprise Ireland has approved a Feasibility Study Grant to assist the company in exploring the UK market and I am also pleased to announce that, the company has, in recent days received a grant under the Leader Programme for €150,000 to assist with growing and developing its business.
I hope that this support will help you achieve your ambitious growth plans and I look forward to hearing about your future success.